HuntMi: an efficient and taxon-specific approach in pre-miRNA identification

Adam Gudyś1, Michał Wojciech Szcześniak2, Marek Sikora1 and Izabela Makałowska2, BMC Bioinformatics, 14:83 (click here to see the paper).

1.     Institute of Computer Science, Faculty Of Automatic Control, Electronics And Computer Science, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland

2.     Laboratory of Bioinformatics, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland




Cross validation datasets:

· – sequences used in the research in fasta format.

·       data_features_base.ziparff files containing base representation of examined sequences (21 features).

·       data_features_extended.ziparff files containing extended representation of examined sequences (21+7 features). This is a default representation for HuntMi software.


Comparative datasets:

· – animal sequences newly introduced in miRBase 18-19 used in comparative experiments.

· - plant sequences newly introduced in miRBase 18-19 used in comparative experiments.


Software (please refer to the README file for all the details):

·       HuntMi.tar.gzHuntMi package for miRNA classification. Requires Linux machine with Perl 5.10 (see README file when running on earlier Perl versions).

·       ROCSelect.jarWeka plugin with ROC-select procedure to be used for training models on custom datasets. Plugin works correctly with 3.6.x version of Weka.

·       ROCSelect.model-cfgWeka classifier configuration file with default ROCSelect parameters.

·       README – readme file with all the instructions for miRNA identification as well as model training.


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